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  • First day back at school tomorrow after a week delay.

    February 19, 2021 2 min read

    First day back at school tomorrow after a week delay.

    I am sure a lot of Mums are busy today labelling pens and books and thinking of the lunch box preparation for tomorrow.

    Some Ayurvedic lunch box tips

    1. Encourage water intake, avoid sugary drinks. Our favourite water bottle is Hydro flask (available at Lakshmi’s shop). Avoid iced drinks, room temperature is best. ?

    2. Encourage to eat fruits at morning recess and not after lunch. According to Ayurveda fruit should not be eaten after a main meal. Avoid mixing too many different types of fruit, keep it simple. Watermelon is best eaten by itself. ?????

    3. Avoid anything wrapped in plastic ?

    4. Have you tried Bee’s wrap to wrap a sandwich, reusable slide lock snack bags or Ever Eco stainless steel Bento boxes? We LOVE Ever Eco ?

    5. Avoid white sugar replace with coconut sugar or rapadura sugar

    6. Avoid white bread replace with rye, spelt, wholemeal (check the labels for ingredients). Pumpernickel bread is yummy too.

    7. For sweets and treats, we recommend homemade cookies, banana bread, carrot cakes, apple/ pear muffins or our delicious fig cake. ?

    8. Dates are full of energy

    9. Filling suggestions for your wrap or sandwich cooked beetroot, carrots, green beans, cucumber, lettuce, halloumi and hummus. ??????

    10. Avoid margarines – best to use organic unsalted butter or Ghee. We LOVE Ghee.

    11. According to Ayurveda cooked and warm food is preferred. We love the 24 hot food jar from myfamily (available at Lakshmis shop). ?

    12. Home made popcorn with a sprinkle of salt or maple syrup – avoid salty chips packets ?

    Lily and myself just made a delicious fig cake for the lunch box tomorrow (if there will be any left until then).

    We wish you a great start of the week.

    With love from the Lakshmi team

    #lunches #backatschool #ayurvedaforchildren #childhealth #eatseasonal #hyrdoflask #bentoboxes #beewraps #Ayurveda #food #diet #lifestyle #balance #vata #pitta #kapha #healthyeating #ayurvedicconsultation #ayurvedaperth #ayurvedafremantle #ayurvedaaustralia #lakshmiayurveda