PRAMEHA - Diabetes from an Ayurvedic Perspective

October 26, 2018 3 min read

PRAMEHA - Diabetes from an Ayurvedic Perspective
Did you know that every 5 minutes someone develops Diabetes in Australia, equating to the shocking number of 280 people per day, having an annual cost impact of $13.6 billion. The indigenous people are suffering the most as genetically they are four times more likely to develop Diabetes.

In Ayurveda there is a disease mentioned in the classical text called PRAMEHA this can be closely correlated to Diabetes.

Prachuram Varam Varam va mehati
Prameha is a disease where there is an increased quantity and frequency of urination day and night with a rapid urge.

There are many different classifications of Prameha for example, according to Nidana (causative factor), Dosha, sadhya/ asadhya (curable/ non curable).

Two other classification are:

1. Dhatukshayjanya Madhumeha (pure Vata). Ch. Ni 4
2. Avaranjanya Madhumeha (due to overnutrition/ lifestyle related). Ch. Su 17

The first type is correlated to Diabetes type 1 (insulin dependent, often genetically) and the second is diet/ lifestyle related (Diabetes type 2).
There is a very close link between Obesity and Diabetes type 2. In fact, 85% of Diabetes type 2 patients are obese and 30% of obese patients suffer from Diabetes.

Causative factors for Diabetes (Avarnjanya Madhumeha)

• Day sleeping, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle
• Too much oily and cold food
• Too much food
• Too much sugary food
• Alcohol


Furthermore, Charaka adds that the excess of newly harvested grains, jaggery preparations and other Kapha aggravating factors, may contribute to the development of Diabetes/ Prameha.

Conventional treatment for Diabetes
• Drug therapy with Sulfonylureas
• Insulin
• Some diet and exercise advise

What can Ayurveda do?

And this truly is amazing!  Ayurveda very much emphasises on prevention.
A beautiful quotation from the Samhita “swasthasya swasthya rakshanam aaturasya Vikara prashamanam” saying we need to promote the health of a healthy person .......

Disease prevention and health promotion is done with the knowledge of Swasthavritta. This is a gift to human mankind and can significantly reduce the number of lifestyle related diseases such as Diabetes.

Swasthavritta teaches us how to live our life, this is done with:

1. Dinacharya (daily routine)
2. Ritucharya (seasonal routine)
3. Ratricharya (night routine)
4. Sadvritta (good conduct)
5. Exercise, Yoga, Meditation
6. Pathya Ahara (good diet, organic, fresh, seasonal food)

To learn more about this I would highly recommend to seen an Ayurvedic physician and learn how to implement this in our daily life. It will certainly enhance your physical and spiritual wellbeing.

Alongside the concepts of Swasthavritta your Ayurvedic Doctor will plan a treatment programme for you. Which will include:

1. Improve Sattvic qualities of the mind
1. Nidana parivarjana/ eliminate all the causative factors
2. Shamana treatment/ pacifying treatment with diet, lifestyle and ayurvedic medicines
3. Shodhana/ Panchakarma treatment (such as Vamana and Virechana)
4. Rasayana/ Rejuvenation treatment

All of this steps are important for a successful treatment outcome. It is such a holistic and complete treatment programme and you will certainly benefit especially if you have just been diagnosed as Pre-Diabetic.

Ayurvedic medicines for Diabetes/ Prameha Shamana Aushadhi:
• Guduchi
• Nimba
• Haritaki
• Amalaki
• Shilajeet
• Guggulu

A wonderful formulation is Nisha Amalaki, this contains equal amount of Amla and Turmeric.
If you are suffering from Diabetes or have any other queries you are welcome to email us on or ph: 0406810547
We would love to hear from you.

PS: We do have an Ayurvedic nutritional counsellor as well as a Dietician in our team at Lakshmi Ayurveda