Do you suffer from poor digestion?

May 02, 2023 1 min read

Do you suffer from poor digestion?
Many of our clients suffer from a variety of digestion disorders. All digestive disorders are due to an improper agni, or digestive fire.

When the agni is not functioning adequately, the person may develop a low digestive fire, called mandagni. As a result, food is not digested properly and can turn into digestive toxins, called AMA in Ayurveda. AMA is the root cause of most diseases.

The classical texts describe the condition of an enlarged abdomen. An enlarged abdomen can be a result of bloating, but can be much more complex to treat. The Madhava Nidanam, one of the classical texts of Ayurveda, describes 8 different kinds of enlarged abdomen, called Udara in Ayurveda. We have described three types in this post.

Depending on the type of Udara, the treatment program will vary. Generally, foods that are easy to digest will be prescribed and an Ayurvedic treatment program will be suggested. Treatments may include Swedana (sweating treatment), abhyanga (oil massage), Vamana, Virechana, Basti or langana (fasting).

May we always remember, food is medicine!

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