Dhanyamla Preparation

March 02, 2021 1 min read

Dhanyamla Preparation

We hope you have been following us for the last few days on how to make Dhanyamla.

Dhanyamla is made out of two words Dhanya (cereals, grains) and amla meaning sour. ?

We have prepared the formulation according to the classical text Sahasrayoga using rice, rice flakes, horse gram, puffed rice, little millet and kodo millet, ginger, lime and ajmoda. ? ?

The fermented liquid prepared out of these grains is used for various Ayurvedic treatments one of the treatments is called Dhanyamla Dhara.

Dhanyamala Dhara is a treatment where the fermented liquid is poured in a constant and rhythmic stream over the body or a body part ?.

This treatment is very beneficial for

1. Rheumatoid arthritis

2. Improves blood circulation

3. Relieves burning sensation

4. Relieves body aches

5. Improves skin complexion

6. Vata and Kapha conditions associated with Ama

Dhanyamla generates pitta but the same time it reduces burning sensation. How amazing is that ?.

The ayurvedic properties are amla rasa, laghu, tikshna, snigdha guna, ushna veerya and amla vipaka.

Dhanyamla can be applied internally and externally and is also used in the Asthapana basti procedure.

Have you experienced a treatment with Dhanyamla before? If yes we would love to hear your experience or if you like to find out more email info@lakshmiayurveda.com.au

We wish you a relaxing Friday afternoon.

With love your Lakshmi team

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