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  • Common Cold Ayurvedic Remedies

    June 28, 2019 2 min read

    Common Cold Ayurvedic Remedies
    Common cold is called Pratishaya in Ayurveda.

    A common cold presents itself with upper respiratory tract symptoms such as:

    1. sore throat
    2. hoarseness of voice
    3. runny nose, sneezing

    4.nasal congestion
    5. headache
    6. sinusitis

    Children are more susceptible to colds as their immune system is still developing and Ojas is still maturing. Another reason is that childhood is the kapha stage of live and kapha ailments such as mucus, congestion and respiratory tract ailments are more common.

    A common cold can develop because of excessive consumption of cold foods, ice cream, Yoghurts and chilled drinks. This will lower our natural resistance to a virus and provokes Kapha.

    Kapha aggravating factors should be avoided such as:

    1. Cold drinks
    2. Yoghurt especially when mixed with fruits.
    3. Ice creams, sugary food, deep fried food, heavy food.
    4. And any other kapha aggravating food and lifestyle (for example day sleep).

    We have just moved into the winter season here in Australia and the weather is more cold and damp, which will increase the Kapha dosha and makes us more prone to colds as it reduces the natural resistance.

    Acharya Charaka has mentioned 4 types of pratishaya (common cold).

    1. Vataja - vata predominant
    2. Pittaja - pitta predominant
    3. Kaphaja - kapha predominant
    4. Sannipatika - tridoshic

    If a pratishaya (common cold) is not treated it can lead to dushta pratishyaya (chronic cold).

    Common cold remedies and treatment:

    1. Avoid windy areas
    2. Stay warm, always wear a hat and scarf outside as 60% of the body heat is lost through the head.
    3. Hot water to promote digestive function
    4. Honey to sooth your throat
    5. Ginger, cinnamon cardamom tea or try our lemongrass tea (see recipe below).
    6. follow a daily routine/ Dinacharya
    7. follow a rtucharya/ seasonal routine
    8. follow a ratricharya/ night routine

    Ayurvedic herbs

    1. Sitopladi churna (expectorant), To help you get over a cough Sitopladi churna is a wonderful Ayurvedic formulation which is also liked and suited for children.
    2. Talisadi churna (decongestant)
    3. Dashamulakatutryadi kashayam
    4. Trikatu - three warming spices
    5. Kaarporadi thailam/camphor oil + saindhava lavana/ salt. Massage over the chest area
    6. Rasayana/ rejuvenation tonics such as Chyawanprash. Chyavanprash is a great Rasayana Rejuvenation tonic prevent colds and boost your immunity. A great source of Vitamin C
    7. Ayurvedic spice mix, Kapha and Vata churna – a warming spice mix which can be added to your meals.

    Other beneficial practices: 

    1. Steam inhalation with Ajwan seeds. Add 1 heaped tsp in 1 litre of water, then cover you head with a towel and inhale the steam from the hot ajwan water - carefully that you don’t burn yourself
    2. Nasya treatment with Anu thailam or shadbindu thailam. Application of nasal drops
    3. Gandusha/ gargling with licorice decoction (especially when there is a sore throat).

    Try some Lemongrass Tea

    Ingredients: 4 glasses of water, 6-10 leaves of lemongrass, 1/4 tsp grounded pepper or pippali powder, a pinch of grated ginger , 1 pinch of turmeric powder
    Boil the lemongrass in 4 cups of water
    add pepper powder and crushed ginger and turmeric
    let it steep for 2-3 minutes
    optional: add natural sweetener such as coconut sugar, jaggery, honey

    If you are suffering from a cold or would like to strengthen your immunity (improve your Ojas), you are welcome for an initial Ayurvedic consultation. We also offer Ayurvedic nutrition consultation which includes meal planning by our Nutritionist Erica.

    With love
    Your Lakshmi Ayurveda team