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  • Brain Tonic Tea

    September 23, 2019 1 min read

    Brain Tonic Tea
    Have you tried the Lakshmi tea range?

    We love them all but the Brain tonic (Brahmi, tulsi and ginger) is definitely one of our favourite along with the very popular Lakshmi Chai tea.

    Brahmi - some of its wonderful benefits
    The Sanskrit word Brahmi is derived from ‘brahma’ the creator of the universe.

    Ayurvedic properties are:
    Rasa: tikta and kashaya
    Guna: laghu (light) and sara(laxative)
    Virya: sheeta
    Vipaka: madhura
    Prabhava/ special potency: alleviates apasmara/ epilepsy and unmada/ hysteria
    Dosha: Tridosha mainly Kaphapittahara, can increase Vata in excess

    It’s Ayurvedic actions are:

    1. Medhya, intellect promoting, boosts the memory,
    2. Useful in disorders such as epilepsy (Apasmara)
    3. Rasayana, it is also praised as a Majjadhatu rasayana as it rejuvenates the nervous system. Useful in Parkinson’s, ADHD, Asperger’s syndrome.
    4. Shotha/ oedema – brahmi has a mild diuretic property
    5. Smritiprada – promotes the intellect and intelligence.
    6. Samjna sthapana- restores consciousness
    7. Ayushya – increases longevity
    8. Vishahara – anti poising properties
    9. Kasa/ cough. In hoarseness of voice brahmi, pippali, vasa and haridra is chewed.
    10. Pandu/ Anaemia
    11. Prameha/ Diabetes.
    12. Kusthaghna – alleviates skin conditions especially with an underlying nervous imbalance.
    13. Jwara
    14. Anuloma – redirects the flow of vata downwards
    15. Hridaya – heart tonic
    16. Balya- gives strength (especially to the mind)
    17. It can cool the heat of cystitis and pain of dysuria by eliminating pitta out of the mutravahasrotas. Medicated milk with brahmi is best for this.
    18. Brahmi nourishes all seven dhatus (tissues)

    Lakshmi’s shop is open from 9am-3pm.
    We look forward to welcoming you