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  • Ayurvedic Perspective on Teeth and Oral Care: Danta Swasthya

    November 14, 2018 3 min read

    Ayurvedic Perspective on Teeth and Oral Care: Danta Swasthya
    Danta is the the Sanskrit word for tooth.

    We can find information about Danta in the Ayurvedic classical texts of the
    +Charaka and Sushruta Samhita
    + Astanga Samgraha and
    + Kasyapa Samhita. Acharya Kasyapa is the pioneer of the field and has a separate chapter on Dantajanmika (dentation).

    Teeth are considered an updadhatu of Asthi dhatu (bone tissue).
    In Ayurveda it is mentioned that the tooth eruption (dantopatti kala) is best when a child is 8 months old.

    Names of various teeth have been given by Kashapya. These are: Rajadanta, Vasta, Damstra, and Hanavya. The middle two teeth are Rajadanta (incisor) and are considered sacred. Teeth by the side of Rajadanta are called Vasta (canines) and other teeth by the side of it are called Damstra (pre-molar). The rest are called Hanavya (molar) and named because are helpful in mastication.

    Bones are a natural governed by Vata and in disease of the bones, the teeth are also weakened. Food and tonics which are good for bones and the muscular tissues are also beneficial for teeth and gums.

    Normal healthy teeth are strong, white, smooth without decay. The gums should be even, pink and smooth. Gums are known as Dantamansa or Dantaveshta.

    According to Sushruta (Author of Sushruta Samhita) fifteen disease of the roots of the teeth and gums have been mentioned. To prevent tooth and gum disease good oral hygiene should be implemented in our Dinacharya (Daily Routine).

    1. Cleaning of the teeth, nowadays we are all using tooth brushes (soft is better).
    In Ayurveda fresh stems or sticks of trees such as Banyan, Khadira, Neem or Arjuna has been recommended. These herb sticks should be either ‘Kashaya’ (astringent), ‘Katu (heating), or ‘Tikta’ (bitter) in taste.
    • The stick should be chewed until its broken up. The taste of the stick will neutralise the bodhaka Kapha and help to clear the mucous secretions in the mouth.
    • Vata has often thin, arthrophic, dry and rough gums and Khadira or Licorice is recommended
    • Pitta is more prone to spongy, inflamed and red gums and Neem or Arjuna is recommended
    • Kapha is prone for hypertrophic and whitish gums and astringent sticks such as Karanja and Arka is recommended.

    2. Tooth powder
    Triphala powder can be used, it can also be mixed with sesame oil.
    Another herbal combination is Trijataka (cinnamon, Cardamon, and Tamara patra).

    3. Gargling (Gandusha and Kavala)
    Oil pulling, is a procedure that involves swishing oil in the mouth for oral and a systemic health benefits. It is mentioned in the Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita where it is called Gandusha. Oil pulling has been used extensively as a traditional Indian folk remedy for many years to prevent decay, gingivitis, bleeding gums and other oral ailment.
    • Ayurveda advises oil gargling to purify the entire system as each section of the tongue is connected to different organ such as to the kidneys, lungs, liver, heart, small intestines, stomach, colon, and spine.
    • Oil pulling with black seed sesame oil or coconut oil is beneficial to do daily in the morning. Use 1-2 tsp of the oil and swish the oil in your mouth for 5-20 minutes, then spit it out. Best to spit it in the bin and not down the drain
    It is also recommended to gargle after eating any food and after brushing your teeth.

    4. Tongue cleaning
    Silver, gold, copper and stainless-steel tongue cleaners are recommended.
    Cleaning the tongue helps to get rid of any waste products, bad odour and improves the taste sensation.

    Some more tips for healthy teeth and gums
    • Chew your food well
    • Drink enough water
    • Gargle after each meal
    • Drink less coffee and black tea
    • Include foods such as ghee, milk and rice in your diet
    • Regular drink of buttermilk with curry leaves.
    • Avoid excess sugar hot, spicy, salty and acidic foods
    • Tobacco chewing is very harmful

    Our favourite Oral and Dental care products at Lakshmi are
    1. Wooden tooth brush (let’s get rid of all plastic)
    2. Copper tongue cleaner
    3. Ayurvedic toothpaste containing Neem and other herbs
    4. Magic toothpowder
    5. Licorice Mouthwash
    6. Charcoal floss

    If you have any questions and find yourself suffering from poor dental health your are welcome to email us on