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  • Which Panchakarma treatment is best for Kapha Dosha?

    September 15, 2021 1 min read

    Which Panchakarma treatment is best for Kapha Dosha?
    During Panchakarma, Vamana is the most common treatment for alleviating aggravated Kapha dosha. Haven’t heard of Vamana? This is therapeutic vomitting. The treatment is done in a very professional and safe manner alongside the guidance of your Ayurvedic Practitioner.

    Vamana treatment is a process that eliminates Doshas through induced vomiting. Excessive Kapha in the upper respiratory tract may show through congestion in the lungs, bronchitis, colds, cough and asthma. Certain skin diseases and oedema are also Kaphaja vyadi, Kapha ailments.

    Other treatments suitable for Kapha may include svedana, sweat inducing treatments. Also treatments incorporating more of a ruksha, drying effect.

    One of the most common treatments we do for excess Kapha would be Udvarthanam. This is the dry powder massage. This treatment is often done at the beginning of Panchakarma to prepare the body for deeper cleansing.

    What are some of the benefits of Udvarthanam?

    Great for reducing water retention and weight. Softens the skins and is invigorating for the body and mind ✨

    Different to other Ayurvedic treatments performed in a downward ⬇️ (anulomana) movement, Udvarthanam is performed in the upwards ⬆️ (prathiloma) direction. It is highly beneficial for kapha and vata disorders and improving circulation and complexion of the skin.

    This treatment is perfect for the Spring season! If you are curious to try you are welcome to book online or call us at 0406 810 547. Wishing you a great day

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