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  • Anu Thailam for Nasya Treatment

    May 30, 2023 1 min read

    Anu Thailam for Nasya Treatment
    “One should inhale ‘Anu Thaila’ every year during these three seasons: the rainy season, the autumn and the spring….”

    Anu thailam is considered one of the most superior Nasya oils. It contains over 25 herbs infused in sesame oil. The decoction of herbs is boiled in black seed sesame oil until only the oil remains. This process is repeated for 9 times and at the 10th time, goats milk is added and boiled once more. This is certainly a time consuming process to prepare this special nasal oil. 

    The reference for this oil can be found in Astanga Hrdayam Su 20:36-39.

    Astanga Sangraha mentioned two types of Anu thaila one of them is mentioned for daily use in the practice of Dinacharya (daily routine) the second type is for Nasya Vidhi (a procedure carried out by an Ayurvedic practitioner if indicated). 

    The regular use of Anu thailam Nasya will strengthen the sense organs, prevents hair fall and wrinkles, helps to brighten the skin complexion and treat pigmentation, it prevents neck pain and toothache. It is also indicated in sinus congestion, recurrent colds, eye ailments and headaches. 

    Have you used Anu thailam before? We would love to hear your experience. 

    We wish you a congestion free start to the week. 

    With Love your Lakshmi Team x

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