Have you heard of winter melon (Benincasa Hispida) before?

July 12, 2022 2 min read

Have you heard of winter melon (Benincasa Hispida) before?
In Ayurveda, winter melon is considered to be one of the most healing vegetables. In Sanskrit, it is called Kushmanda which can be translated as “the fruit and seeds do not contain heat”.

This vegetable is available in Australia. Keep your eyes open in your local Asian grocery store :)

Winter melon is cultivated throughout Southeast Asia and grows well in Australia during the warm seasons. Currently, the winter melon available in Perth comes from the Eastern States. Winter melon ? belongs to the gourd family. This group of vegetables provide vitamins, essential minerals, antioxidants and soluble fibres.

Kushmanda has numerous benefits, especially those for balancing Vata and Pitta dosha.

1.Cooling effect on the body.

2.It has anti-allergic properties and can be helpful in pitta-induced skin inflammation and allergies. 

3.Treatment of the nervous system.

4.Peptic ulcers, burning sensation, acidity.

5.Urinary disease, cleanses the bladder.

6.Heart disease.

7.Gives relief to constipation and helps in bleeding piles.

8.Beneficial in fever.

9.Useful in asthma and cough.

10.Has a calming effect on the mind and is found to be beneficial in slowing Alzheimer’s disease.

Traditional Ayurvedic uses and their Sanskrit terms: 

Weakness (Daurbalya)
Painful urination (Mootrakrichchra)
Kidney stones (Ashmari)
Diabetes (Prameha)
Bleeding disorder (Raktapitta)
Fever (Jwara)
Emaciation (Shosha)
Thirst (Trishna)
Giddiness (Bhrama)
Vomiting (Chard)
Cough and shortness of breath (Kasa/ Shwasa)
Pitta disease
Apasmara/ epilepsy
Nourishes Tarpana Kapha

Kushmanda has been mentioned in all the Samhitas.

Charaka has mentioned it as a Rasayana (rejuvenation), especially for the muscle tissue and the mind. Vagbhata has mentioned that it is specifically useful for treating tuberculosis, general debility, mental debility, asthma and fever. Other Samhita mentioned it under Ashmarighna (helps to relieve kidney stones).

1.Externally the pulp of the fruit is applied to wounds and burns.

2.The root powder is given with water to alleviate the bronchospasm in asthma.

3.The fruit juice mixed with licorice is used in mental instability.

The Ayurvedic properties are sweet in taste, sweet in post-digestive taste and a cold potency. It has a special potency (prabhava) as a nervine tonic.

Effect on Dosha: Pitta and Vata balancing 

Effect on Dhatu: rasa (plasma), rakta (blood), mamsa (muscle), meda (adipose tissue), majja (bone marrow) and shukra (reproductive fluids).

The Sarangadhra Samnhita mentions the formulation Kushmanda Avalehya. Follow us over the next few days when we will prepare this healing formulation in the Lakshmi Kitchen.

To find out more or to book an initial consultation you are welcome to email info@lakshmiayurveda.com.au.

With Love Karin and the Lakshmi team.



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