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  • Nimba/ Neem (Azadirachta indica)

    April 29, 2021 1 min read

    Nimba/ Neem (Azadirachta indica)

    Today we have planted our first Neem tree in Lakshmi’s garden.

    Synonym for Neem are:

      • Pichumarda – that which alleviates the doshas

      • Paribhadra – strong tree

      • Vara tikta – very tikta/ bitter

    • Krimighna – anti parasite

    Its Ayurvedic properties are:

      • Rasa: tikta/bitter, kashaya/astringent

      • Guna: laghu/light, ruksha/dry

      • virya: sheeta/cooling

      • Vipaka: katu/heating

    Some of the indications to use Neem

    1. Best anti microbial herb and blood purifier, useful in a variety of skin disease, acne, diabetes, diabetic wounds and non healing ulcers

    2. Application of the paste of the leaves alleviates the itching and burning sensation of the skin.

    3. The decoction of neem leaves is useful for gargles in dental and oral disease

    4. Used for dhoopana/ fumigation

    5. It is considered auspicious and said to protect from bad spirits (it is called Rakshoghna dravya)

    6. A good medicine for amlapitta (acidity, sour belching) as it dries up the excess drava of pitta due to its tikta/bitter rasa and ruksha/dry guna.

    7. Stanyasodhaka – purifies breast milk

    8. Raktapittaghna – stops bleeding disorder

    9. Neem oil is useful to treat head lice

    10. Useful in treating obesity

    Dried Neem leaves can be added when storing grains to keep them pest free – How amazing is this ? We offer a variety of neem based products in the Lakshmi Ayurveda shop. The link to our shop is in our bio. You are welcome to email with any questions ? we let you know about the progress of our Neem tree baby.

    With Love from Lakshmi Ayurveda ❤️

    Organic Neem Capsules:…/neemnimba-azadirachta…/

    Organic Neem Leaves:…/organic-neem-leaves/

    Neem Seed Oil: