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  • Alopecia - An Ayurvedic perspective

    August 02, 2021 3 min read

    Alopecia - An Ayurvedic perspective
    A very happy moment seeing our client yesterday at her follow up appointment.

    Our patient has experienced hair loss in a large circular patch. 

    Alopecia Areata is called Indralupta in Ayurveda. 

    Alopecia is an autoimmune disease characterised by hair loss on the body especially on the scalp. The condition can result in total hair loss. Different types of Alopecia are described. 

    Indralupta can affect all the bodily hair but predominantly the scalp and beard.

    Different to other types of hair loss, in Indralupta, the hair falls out over a short period of time often in circular patches. 

    Ayurveda believes that in Indralupta there is a vitiation of Vata and Pitta dosha along with rakta (this causes the hair fall) affecting the roots of the hair. Later in the pathology aggravated kapha along with shonita (blood) blocks the hair follicles (romkoopa) and prevents the regrowth of the hair. In the classical text it is mentioned under the heading of Kapalgata  roga (disease of the scalp) and Ksudhraroga (minor disease). Since the doshas cause the blockage the first step is to remove the blockage and eliminating possible causative factors. 

    Causes (ayurveda and allopathy)

      1. Improper diet and lifestyle

      1. Emotional factors, stress, worry, anxiety and anger

      1. Imbalance in asthi dhatu (bone tissue)

      1. Autoimmune disease 

      1. Hair pulling disorder (Trichottillomania)

      1. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy 

      1. Fungus infections, parasites (krimi) 

      1. Some studies found that people with thyroid disease, lupus and vitiligo are more likely to develop it. 

    Treatment (for the Ayurveda Lovers and Ayurveda students)

      1. Nidana Parivarjana - eliminating causative factors 

      1. Pathya Ahara / suitable food

      1. Pathya Vihara / suitable lifestyle 

      1. Aushadham / Ayurvedic herbs 

      1. Shiro lepana / herbal paste application on the scalp 

      1. Nasya treatment 

      1. Shirodhara, Shiroabhyanga 

      1. Shamana and Shodhana therapy

      1. Rasayana/ a rejuvenation program using black seed sesame is beneficial

      1. Yoga and Mediation 

    Ayurveda for Hair Health 

    1. Perform a head massage daily. The massage helps stimulate blood flow and generates growth of the hair follicles. You can dry massage daily, but we recommend using Ayurvedic herbs and oils for your head massage at least once a week. Bhringaraj oil or Nilibhringadi oil are great for stimulating hair growth. Alternatively, you can take dried Bhringaraj leaves, grind them, add water to make a paste and apply to your scalp. Leave on for a period of 20 minutes before


    2. At all costs, avoid chemicals in your hair products! As the skin is the largest organ of the body and absorbs chemicals into the bloodstream, using chemicals on the head will impact the health of your entire body. Alternatively, look into purchasing natural shampoos. 

    3. Amalaki will help to strengthen and revitalise the colour of your hair. You can either take Amalaki internally or combine equal parts Amalaki powder with water or yogurt, apply to

    the scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing or washing hair.

    4. Over washing strips your hair of the essential and healthy oils. This can create imbalances in the health of your hair. Aim to cut down on the number of times you wash your hair throughout the week.

    5. Both Shirodhara and Shiroabhyanga treatments are excellent for facilitating hair growth!

    If you would like more recommendations about keeping your hair healthy, please contact us by email or call 0406 810 547. Don’t forget that the health of your hair is often indicative of your overall health! Nourish your body with sattvic foods, lifestyle and exercise routine.

    With love from your Lakshmi team, have a beautiful hair day

    #alopecia #alopeciaareata #hairloss #prematuregreying #hairfall #thinninghair #holistichealth #ayurveda #ayurvedaperth #ayurvedaforhair #nilibhringadi #amalaki #bhringaraj #ayurvedicconsultation #ayurvedapractitioner #lakshmi #lakshmiayurveda #authenticayurveda 

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