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  • The Wonders of Amalaki

    March 24, 2019 2 min read

    Amalaki, also known as Amla, Indian Gooseberry or Emblica officinalis, is one of the most well known Ayurvedic fruits to help support immunity, digestion, promote healthy skin, and so much more! Amalaki is a berry and can be eaten by itself. It is known for having five of the six tastes. These include pungent, bitter, astringent, sweet and sour, excluding salty. Its qualities make it pacifying to Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and can be used in all seasons.

    Benefits of Amla

    1. Taking Amalaki helps to build ojas, your vibrancy and energy for life, due to its rasayana qualities. Rasayanas have the ability to strengthen, rejuvenate, nourish and improve immunity of the body.
    2. Beneficial for skin, eye, and hair health due to high mineral and antioxidant levels which promote the growth of healthy cells. Amla juice can be applied to the scalp to encourage hair growth and improve dry scalp. 

    3. The high vitamin C and antioxidant content has anti-inflammatory properties which work to promote healthy detoxification and assimilation of nutrients.
    4. Amalaki improves digestion. The cooling tendencies of Amla helps to clear out excess heat within the digestive track and promote regular bowel movements.
    Now that you know a few benefits, its time to decide how to incorporate this magical fruit into your life!

    How can you take Amla?

    1. Drinking the juice of the amla berry is great for helping relieve cold symptoms, particularly cough. In addition, the antioxidants can help lower high cholesterol, regulate blood sugar levels, and aid in weight loss. It is recommended to take the juice on an empty stomach in the morning.
    2. Eat the whole fruit! Amla berry is green in colour. Many people refrain from eating the fruit due to its initial sour and bitter taste.
    3. Amla is available in pill form and is one of the three ingredients in Triphala, which assist in digestion.
    4. You can take Amalaki in churna form. The powder can be taken each day to promote healthy weight loss.
    5. Amla is one of the main ingredients in Chyawanprash and other Rasayana nutritive jams. They help to boost immunity and vitality of the body.

    It is advised to consult with your Ayurvedic practitioner in regards to how to take Amalaki. Consultation appointments are available for next week if you would like to book in!

    You are welcome to visit the shop this week to check out our selection of Amalaki formulations and other Ayurvedic products. We are open Monday to Saturday, 9am-1pm and look forward to welcoming you at Lakshmi Ayurveda.

    Have a beautiful day, Love your Lakshmi team.